“Saturday is a time to enjoy the small blessings of life.” Byron Pulsifer

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“Different cocktails for different Saturday nights.” Drew Barrymore

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“It’s Saturday. Enjoy the day with the ones you love. Chill and relax!” Unknown

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“Without Saturday, Sunday would just be another day of the week.” Anthony T. Hincks

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“Saturdays are the perfect canvas to paint your dreams and make them come alive.” Unknown

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“I learned that the hardest party to pull off successfully is Saturday night dinner”. Ina Garten

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“Saturday “night is perfect for writers because other people have “plans.” Mike Birbiglia

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“I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.” Charmaine J. Forde

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“It’s Saturday, let’s do plenty of nothing that makes us happy.” Unknown

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Stay Motivate With Us!

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